This Cyber Saathi awareness program is intended to introduce students (children and young adults) to the risks, threats and vulnerabilities on digital platforms and devices (All modules address not just online threats but those on digital mediums); to make them aware of responsible use of technology and to help them become cyber Saathis or cyber friends for themselves and those in need; to be a first level peer support system to victims of cybercrimes.
Cyber Saathi understands the strength of youth with respect to digital spaces and has formulated this unique program to harness the same. With adults having demitted their authority positions in favour of youth when it comes to mastering digital spaces, it is difficult for adults to advise youngsters on the use of such digital spaces.
Cyber Saathi has created unique modules and awareness programs for students (children and young adults) without the program either preaching to the students or giving them lists of “dos and don’ts”. It does not believe that students can be told what to do or not to do. Cyber Saathi believes in empowering students with knowledge of the risks, threats and vulnerabilities of the digital domain and enable students to protect themselves against such threats. It further empowers students to understand the remedies available to them in law, in the event that they fall prey to Criminals.
Cyber Saathi believes it is imperative for youngsters to know and believe that they are not alone in their troubles and that there are remedies available to them in law. Cyber Saathi believes that armed with such awareness, students will be able to become peer mentors, protecting themselves and others around them (including friends, family and peers) from the risks and threats of the cyber domain. The awareness program is intended to create an army Cyber Saathis, who will be the first – level helping hand for those in need around them and will help guide them to the correct adult or authority figure to seek their remedies instead of falling prey to unscrupulous Criminals.
Cyber Saathi will be undertaking programs under this initiative through its internal resources and also with collaborations and partnerships with other Civil Society Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations; Governmental organizations / Initiatives, individuals / corporates / educational entities / law enforcement agencies / Educational Institutions.